Highway 23 – Highway Construction Project
In the fall of 2006 the Ministry of Transportation Ontario tendered one of its most unique contracts, MTO 2006 – 3040. The unique nature of this contract results from the combination a traditional tender with a design build tender.
The two structure rehabilitations and a few minor entrance realignments were designed by the Ministry but the remaining 9.4km of highway was left for the contractor to design. The final design had to meet an 18 year highway design. Also, the contractor has to provide a seven year warranty. During the seven year warranty the Ministry will be most concerned with the smoothness specification.
Miller is confident that it along with its designer has developed a pavement structure that will meet and exceed the Ministry’s specifications and warranty. The contract will include 70,150 cubic metres of earth excavation, 4,300 cubic metres of earth borrow, 1,620 m of curb and gutter, 340 metres of various sized pipe sewers, 1,600 metres of steel beam guide rail, 3,500 square metres of sodding, 97,500 square metres of seed and mulch, 20,000 tonnes of granulars and 18,000 tonnes of hot mix asphalt.
Ministry of Transportation OntarioYear Completed
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