Pavement Preservation
Within the last ten years, municipal and provincial governments began migrating away from the worst-first approach to managing their transportation infrastructure and have embraced a proactive approach where treatments are applied systematically and regularly during the life of the asset. This approach is managed on a network level and has proven to decrease the life cycle infrastructure costs while maintaining a higher level of service throughout the life of the pavement.
For over 40 years Miller Paving Limited has been a leader in the development and application of pavement preservation technologies. We continue to offer many cold technologies to extend the life of pavements, including Slurry Seal, Micro-Surfacing, Seal Coats, Reinforced Seal Coats, Fog Seal, Tack Coat, Granular Sealing, and Dust Suppressants. The use of a specific treatment depends on the distress level, traffic, environment, and intended function of the roadway.
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A fog seal is an economical emulsion application typically blotted with a sand seal to seal a surface and prevent water ingress into the treatment below.
Fog seals can be specifically designed for any type of surface but are most appropriately used on a seal coat, raveled hot mix asphalts, and recycled materials such as Cold In-Place Recycling and Full Depth Expanded Asphalt.
When applied to seal coats, fog seals retain nearly all of the aggregate on the roadway thereby reducing the amount of dust and stone loss. This enables owners to reduce the risk of snow plow damage within the first few winter seasons and provide an aesthetically pleasing surface similar to hot mix asphalt.
When applied to recycled treatments, a fog seal protects the recycled mat from raveling and coarse aggregate loss sometimes encountered due to unfavourable weather exposed to the mat prior to surfacing.
Regardless of the application, fog seals are a proven technique to create a safer and appeasing surface for the road user.
Tack Coats are thin applications of diluted slow setting asphalt emulsion which are applied at varying rates over milled surfaces, concrete surfaces, recycled surfaces, and between successive asphalt pavement layers.
They enable the individual pavement layers to act as one lift by bonding subsequent asphalt applications thereby preventing delamination and slippage. In addition, Tack Coats allow pavement loads to be displaced over a wider area which reduces the loading on the granular sub base materials. Tack Coating is a necessary and cost effective tool to construct structurally sound pavements.
Granular Sealing is an erosion control strategy which is commonly applied to recently-constructed shoulder aggregates to reduce deterioration and maintenance and increase safety.
Miller Paving offers environmentally friendly emulsified primer to achieve both excellent penetration and binding of granular materials. The accuracy and versatility of our computerized application equipment enables the desired product to be applied at varying widths and slopes throughout the length of the project.
Hand wand attachments make it possible to seal sensitive areas around and behind guide rails.
Micro Surfacing systems are mixtures of a polymer-modified cationic emulsified asphalt, mineral aggregate, mineral filler, water and additives that are proportioned, mixed, and spread with a machine over a properly prepared surface.
Micro Surfacing systems are used to restore and preserve the surface characteristics of pavements.
Micro Surfacing may be designed to correct rutting, improve inadequate pavement cross sections, and enhance frictional properties of structurally sound polished pavements.
Micro Surfacing systems are low-cost preventive maintenance treatments that retard deterioration of the pavement, maintain or improve the functional condition of roadways, and extend the pavement’s service life when applied to suitable candidates.
The placement of a Micro Surfacing system on medium to high traffic roads offers a competitive alternative to traditional methods of restoring surface characteristics of roadways and extends the life of the pavement by 4 to 8 years.
Reinforced seal coats are constructed by combining geotextile paving fabric with traditional seal coats thereby constructing impermeable layers which prevent infiltration of water into the pavement structure in addition to reducing propagation of existing cracks through the new treatment.
Asphalt emulsion and aggregate are used in conjunction with the geotextile paving fabric to produce the composite membrane. An asphalt emulsion distributor sprays the emulsion on the desired surface and then places the geotextile paving fabric on top via an application apparatus designed specifically for this use. Aggregate of the desired size is then spread on the fabric to allow vehicles to drive on the surface.
These membranes may be applied over gravel, milled, and non milled bituminous surfaces as a seal coat or seal coat interlayer which may be surfaced with a hot mix asphalt or micro surfacing.
Since the fabric is fully saturated with a bituminous binder, it acts as an asphalt shingle, protecting roadways from the ingress of water. Equipment utilized for recycling, pulverizing and cold milling is easily capable of reclaiming this composite material at the end of its service life.
When geotextile paving fabrics are utilized within a chip seal riding surface it is recommended that a seal coat design is performed to ensure adequate aggregate retention and performance are achieved. Cul-de-sacs and small radius corners are not recommended candidates for the application of this product.
Effective use of these treatments allow asset owners to extend the useful life of the roadway and reduce life cycle costs.
Seal Coats are impervious treatments that provide effective pavement maintenance to a variety of roadway conditions. Alternate applications of asphalt emulsion and cover aggregate produce durable, flexible, low cost bituminous surfaces.
Seal Coats may be classified as either a Chip Seal or a Graded Seal. Chip Seals may be applied to existing surface treatments or hot mix asphalt to regain skid resistance of polished surfaces, prevent aggregate loss of oxidized surfaces, and eliminate extended pavement deterioration. A Graded Seal is applied over a granular surface as a double high float system to upgrade a roadway to a hard surface which eliminates dust emissions and provides a durable driving surface.
These treatments reduce construction time and user delays compared to conventional pavement treatments and may be subjected to traffic shortly after placement.
Seal Coats are constructed using a variety of asphalt emulsions and cover aggregate combinations to produce a surface for varying traffic loads. With a solid base, a well constructed Seal Coat increases the life cycle of the road, enabling the asset owner to further benefit from a low cost alternative to other wearing surfaces.
RAP (Recycled Asphalt Pavement) Graded Seals are constructed using the common process, but offer further environmental and economic advantages. Specifically, these treatments reduce or eliminate the need for virgin aggregates and decrease the required emulsion and aggregate production rates allowing for a smaller carbon footprint.
To significantly reduce maintenance costs of a roadway, double seals can provide public and private sectors with an effective product capable of lasting up to 10 years.
Slurry Seals are mixtures of cationic emulsified asphalt, mineral aggregates, mineral filler, water and additives, properly proportioned, mixed, and spread with a machine over a properly prepared surface.
Slurry Seals are surface treatments that provide protection of the pavement surface by delaying the appearance of surface defects caused by both the environment and associated oxidization of the existing surface.
By sealing the pavement using a Slurry Seal, the rate at which the existing bituminous surface material oxidizes is greatly reduced. Slurry Seal systems are binder rich mixtures which waterproof and seal existing surfaces, protecting the pavement from the adverse effects of the environment.
It is a thin surface treatment not appropriate to resolve pavement structural deficiencies. These systems are well suited as a preventive maintenance treatment to extend the life of sound, low traffic volume pavements. Preventive maintenance treatments are low-cost treatments that retard deterioration of the pavement, maintain or improve the functional condition of roadways, and extend the pavement’s service life when applied to suitable candidates.
The service life extension of a pavement treated with slurry seal ranges from 4 to 8 years, depending on the condition of the existing pavement and the volume of traffic.
Cold pavement preservation processes are capable of extending the asset-life by sealing the pavement and preventing water from penetrating into the pavement layers. Mitigation of water penetration will allow the granular material in the road base to maintain its strength and provide the support and stability necessary to withstand designed traffic loads. These processes also offer a significant advantage compared to hot preservation technologies. These processes are performed without the application of heat thus reducing fuel consumption costs.
A reduction in fuel consumption allows these processes to be applied in an environmentally friendly manner.
Application of these processes also decreases the amount of subsequent work required during construction, such as pre-milling in an urban environment and granular shoulder-raises in a rural application.
Association of Ontario Road Supervisors (AORS)
International Slurry Surfacing Association (ISSA)
Ontario Good Roads Association (OGRA)
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