Cold Constructed Asphalt Pavements
Our CCAP line is the hidden gem of the asphalt paving world.
They are durable enough to be placed on low and medium-volume rural roads, flexible enough to knead back together after being distorted by frost heaves, and economical for everyone. They can be used as a base course under hot mix asphalt, or as the riding surface when covered with a seal coat. Produced with local aggregates or RAP accurately mixed with an asphalt emulsion in a portable pugmill, they are hauled & placed with conventional paving equipment. For over 30 years across North America, CCAP is the versatile, environmentally sound, budget-friendly choice for rural roads.
CCAP – DG: This dense-graded mix is great for roads that need more structure but are far from a hot mix asphalt plant. Using a local Granular A or graded RAP aggregate mixed with an asphalt emulsion, the CCAP – DG can be mixed centrally and requires no heating. It is placed & compacted 75 mm (3 inches) thick with conventional paving equipment.
CCAP – OG: This open-graded mix uses a clear stone to give even more flexibility to self-heal after the damaging effects of spring thaws and distortion. In areas where pulverizing a poor base contaminates surface layers, the road can be covered with CCAP – OG and sealed. Agencies have noticed less tire spray during rainstorms on CCAP – OG roads, adding a safety benefit . Plus, the mix stays workable even after several months in a stockpile.
CCAP – RP: RAP can be crushed & screened and mixed with an asphalt emulsion to create 100% recycled pavements. The mix can be placed 75 – 110 mm (3 – 4 inches) thick on low to medium volume roads and sealed. In parking lots, CCAP – RP can be the riding surface or a replacement for the base course of hot mix. With RAP piles growing across the province, CCAP – RP placed at ambient temperatures offers agencies a green, cost-effective way to conserve natural resources while providing a durable driving surface.
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